The Shameless Psychiatrist
3 min readSep 8, 2021


Anal Sex and Teens

Don’t be an a**hole!

Source: Africa Studio/Shutterstock

By Dr. Lea Lis

I want to write about anal sex and teens, because so many teens in my practice are having it, so I want them to do so safely. This is a super awkward topic so let’s break the ice with a joke.

“What the difference between oral and anal sex?

Oral sex makes your day and anal sex makes your whole week.

Get it, hole weak.”

In all seriousness, anal sex can be very pleasurable. Some people with vaginas are able to experience orgasm from anal sex because their anus is close to the vaginal wall and pelvic floor, which can stimulate the clitoris from the inside. Most people with penises have a pleasure point called the prostate inside the anal canal that can lead to an orgasm when massaged. In other words, pleasure through the backdoor is possible no matter what gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

Teens: there is no rush to do this, no matter what you’ve seen in porn. Wait until you’re really really ready! Do not rush. When you do decide to embark upon this sexual journey, I have some words of wisdom for you. The first is F (finger) before P (penis) and P always with C (condom). Compare your finger with a penis as a penis is way bigger. Let your partner get used to the anal play before you stick your penis in there. A finger can feel good, but a penis can hurt. There has to be some transition time between finger and penis. You might want to try a finger, next a small butt plug, and then a penis. Gently massage your partner’s anus as they feel comfortable and then slowly work the finger or toy inside gently move it around to loosen up the area.

A few guidelines to follow when you are considering riding the A train:

Always, consent comes first. Even when you get consent ahead of time to go to a Mexican restaurant, it does not mean that your partner will want the whole enchilada. Pain during the process of anal sex is common. When that time comes, pull out and reassess the situation. Just because you are playing with the asshole does not mean you need to be one.

Never put anything up your butt that does not have a flair at the end. This is to prevent it from getting stuck. You do not want to be that person in the emergency room asking the proctologist to retrieve your carrot.

Never go from A (anus) to V (vagina) without changing the C( condom). In other words, do not put the penis that was in the anus up the vagina without removing the condom, washing first and putting on a new one. That is the fastest way to give your partner a yeast infection. They will not thank you for that later. To repeat: do not go from A to V without changing the C.

Never forget the lube. Lube is very important as this area is not naturally lubricated and it can be very painful. Use K-Y Jelly or another condom-safe lube.

For safety reasons, remember that anal tissue is very delicate and therefore more prone to spread sexually transmitted diseases! So again: use lube. If you are a frequent rider on the A train and not monogamous, consider PrEP (Pre-exposure prophylaxis, a drug when taken every day can prevent the HIV infection.

So If you have consent, and lube, and feel ready to take the plunge then bottoms up.



The Shameless Psychiatrist

Child Psychiatrist | Expert in Child Psychology & Sexuality | Changing the way we talk to our children about sex | #theshamelesspsychiatrist